Friday, January 8, 2016

1/8/16 Katy Comes Home

I brought Katy's ashes home today, along with a final paw print memorialized in clay. I loved that her nails, which she hated to have trimmed, were long enough to show up, too.

After I'd brought her home, strange timing, the ball -- the last one she'd ever chased, that she held in her mouth as she was carried upstairs for the last time -- which had disappeared when I went to get it later that day, reappeared in a place I'd already searched. So it made it onto the Katy Memorial today, as well. 

The urn I'd selected online arrived yesterday, as well. 

And so, there is the beloved border collie shrine mostly in place. I'd like to find a way to have both Ian's and Katy's bits of fur displayed, but still researching those options.

Katy came home on the same date I buried Shelby, my first dog, 23 years ago today.

And tomorrow, Nick turns 23.


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