Friday, March 27, 2020

Friday Fun

took this on Wednesday morning, thinking, I need to go back and see where my hair was this time last year.

Lo and behold, my Google "look back on this day" on Friday helped me out. 

At left, the pixie cut a couple of months out when I'd decided I was ready to get it long again. 

At right, this morning's length. One year down, probably another two to go to get it back to where it was when I shaved it all off. 

In other news this week: the sky has not fallen.

But bears are appearing in windows around the neighborhood. I still think I have the biggest pack. 

This is one of the neighborhood attempts of keeping kids entertained. Families get out to walk around and count the number of bears they find on their bear hunt. 

My own hunt is how many bunnies I can get in the backyard at one time. This round? 5. Only a few posed for photographs, however.

At lunch today, I took the pups around looking for the earliest spring blooms that are beginning to show off. We also kept an eye out for bears. 

Posted on the neighborhood mailboxes was the notice that families were invited to chalk decorate their driveways this week. Since we are expecting rain later today, I thought it would be nice to see most the streets' contributions before they disappeared.

back home to my pack. 


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