Right outside the door, though, I noticed my bushes are beginning to flower. We should have pink blooms any day now. And the potted flowers seem to be doing well, too. I've only lost one pansy plant (aptly named, no?) so far.
And looking off to the west, it seems we're doing the little black Eeyore cloud right over the neighborhood.
Ok, away from the house and around the block...
You know the cat lady who love kitties so much she keeps taking in one after another until it becomes local news and animal control has to be called? I think this woman is a tree lady. She's overplanted the front yard with these spruce which, should they actually survive, will fill up her limited little patch of yard with no hope of even squeezing between them. I think a couple of them already have the mange.
Right around the corner from the spruce lady is the last remnants of the big yellow bush I've been taking photographs of. May was its month. June means nothing but green from here on out.
But there were a surprising number of new blooming plants along the way. Maybe they were just waiting for those show-offy tulips to have their day and get off the stage.
Here is a close-up of another one. It almost looks like silk. (This bloom is planted in another yard closer to the sidewalk. No, I don't get up on people's porches, I promise).
Back to the flowers...
But my favorite discovery of today's batch? Check out the creepy eye on that tree trunk.
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