I have owned this robe since 1985, when Mom bought it for me at the newly opened Macy's in Baybrook Mall. I can still see us getting the salesperson to pull it down from the high rack, this super soft, extra thick, dark blue terry cloth robe that has lasted me more than 25 years. It's been with me through those slender days of high school, to college, into marriage, to the hospital for the birth of both of my children, through the fat years, and back again. When I was on bedrest right before Samantha was born I stitched the kids' names on the pockets out of boredom. This is
my robe and I have every intention of taking this baby with me to the nursing home.
Unfortunately, the family has taken to calling it my
Secret Window robe. In case you don't know the film, Johnny Depp plays a troubled writer, Mort Rainey, who has descended into all manner of depression as he struggles with writer's block and a disturbing visitor, played by John Turturro, who shows up at his remote cabin claiming that his story was plagiarized by Mort and wanting "justice." I won't ruin the ending for you, especially since it's really all about Mort's robe here.

This picture really doesn't do it justice: the thing is downright mangy. The back has rips and splits and he pretty much wears it for days on end.
My robe is not that bad.
But it has been a bit neglected . . .

So, okay, looking at this picture I can see the family's point. And I am hereby pledging to put some bad boy Frankenstein stitches on it and then find a great chenille patch to cover the repair and spruce it up. After 26 years, it's the least I can do.
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