Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5-3-11 Tori Tuesday, and tooth tumors. . .

I made it to Tori Tuesday! That's what Vicki calls our standing Tuesday lunches at Los Dos Potrillos. We've missed a month thanks to this surgery and Vic is moving to Arizona at the end of the month, so we're on borrowed time. Now we're culling all the frequent lunch punch cards to figure out how to combine them and get our free lunches before May is over.

Then Bob got home from his oral surgeon appointment with interesting news. He's got a tumor above his unerupted top left wisdom tooth that's going to have to be surgically removed to be biopsied. I say interesting because in the whirlwind of 2011, I don't think anything surprises me anymore. He's also got a supernumerary wisdom tooth on the top right that is so rare the surgeon has seen two cases in twenty years. I think that's what we're going for here. Need surgery? Just be sure to make yourself memorable, unusual, and something your doctor can tell around medical conferences for years to come.

I'm going to run out of bubble wrap soon.


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