Wow, what a difference a week makes. We were watching snow fall heavily last Sunday, and then again on Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday night we got a call about 9:30 p.m. from Nick, who had hit a patch of ice, which sent him into a snowbank where he was stuck. The three of us hopped into the Jeep to enact a rescue, which was complete by shoveling out around the car, me revving it in low, and both guys shoving with all their might to get it out. Woo-hoo for family togetherness.
So imagine walking in short sleeves up the same road, with the sounds a running creeks all around you in the warm sunshine only days. Welcome to Colorado. What a glorious afternoon. As I type this, the sounds of the melting snows and voices of neighbors greet me through open windows.
(gratuitous moon picture)
It was one of those checklist kind of afternoons, filing the taxes (and finding out we don't owe!), getting Nick's residence hall contract and deposit squared away for Sam Houston, making a checklist of all the spring cleaning jobs we need to parcel out over the weekends, from fixing the infamous hole in the front fence from whence dog capers have sprung, to cleaning out the dreaded crawl space (think attic but under the house rather than over) that has collected four years worth of boxed up treasures, half of which need to fill up a garage sale.
I won't get too far ahead of myself -- currently in the 10 day forecast, we may have snow again next Sunday. But I'm certainly going to enjoy the early spring weather while I've got it. :)
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