I put Facebook to its proper use this week, posting this picture and soliciting opinions: bangs or no?
Every morning for months now I've been tempted to cut my hair back into bangs, and every time I'd pull out he scissors, I'd talk myself out of it.
Unfortunately, the results of my informal poll didn't clear anything up, but it was a great boost for the ego.
Cindy Discher Martin Tori, you are beutiful both ways, but the bangs are more "playful" which I think is your personality, and you look younger with them which is always a plus! Just sayin....
January 10 at 4:45pm · ·1
Jennifer Burkart Manchi I agree with Cindy ^ !! You look great both ways but I too think the bangs give you a more playful, youthful look! :)
January 10 at 4:48pm · ·1
Crystal Rambo Bazarnic I like both. Honestly I can't pick! I am a big fan of bangs, but you look good with or without them!
January 10 at 4:50pm · ·1
Crystal Rambo Bazarnic I guess I would say if you typically wear your hair down, either. But if you typically do a ponytail or pull it back, do the bangs.
January 10 at 4:51pm · ·2
Tori Saltsman Mask thank you ladies! that makes the starting tally bangs 3, bangless 0 :)
January 10 at 4:57pm · ·1
Shannon Van Meter whatever makes you happy. Youre so beautifull either way.
January 10 at 5:18pm · ·2
Tiffany Becker Morris She bangs, she bangs!! Sorry....couldn't help myself Tori.
January 10 at 5:18pm · ·3
January 10 at 5:21pm ·
Nell Mask Tori, I like your hair both ways but but really think I like no bangs or just a fringe.
January 10 at 5:21pm ·
Suzee Sullivan Schwartz Def no bangs...unless the side swept look has the "long" bangs, really like that look on ya
January 10 at 6:31pm ·
Tori Saltsman Mask thanks for the input thus far! post-dinner count = 8 for bangs, 4 without...
January 10 at 6:45pm ·
Lisa Morris I like number six! so def no bangs. But you are gorgeous no matter what!
January 10 at 7:07pm · ·1
Randy N Marcy Pittman I like pics 3 and 6 the best so I guess no is my choice
January 10 at 7:12pm ·
Tori Saltsman Mask thank you! I need to ask for hair opinions more often -- it's been awfully good for the ego! :P
January 10 at 7:23pm · ·1
Karen Little Shanaberger I vote no bangs! You look great with both but prefer no bangs! I did it myself and regret it!
January 10 at 8:26pm ·
Crystal Rambo Bazarnic A better question is head-tilt or no head-tilt? (From another who is prone to head-tilting)
Wednesday at 11:19pm ·
Tori Saltsman Mask The head tilt is genetic, I'm afraid. You know how dogs turn their heads a certain way when you whistle at the right pitch? The camera comes out and it just happens. :P
Thursday at 7:12am · ·1
Stephanie M Jackson I agree that all the pics are great, but I tend to lean toward bangs. They do fit your playful personality (I love that that word keeps popping up in this thread). That, and I wish I could pull off bangs, but I can't, and you rock them.
After a day, I ended up with 9 for bangs, 10 for not.
So, in typical fashion, this morning, I grabbed the scissors and cut 'em.
Then I blew them out of my face.
How's that for waffling?
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