Stardate: Garage Sale Friday #3, 2010
Since Vicki, Marlene, and Jill were kind enough to meet me in my neighborhood last time, I thought we should even things out and meet over near the office this Friday for garage saling.
Long story short: we agreed to come back over to my side of the fence from now on. Highlands Ranch was almost entirely built in the last 15 years and tends toward quite a few affluent people who get the wild hair (and have the disposable income) to redecorate as well as buy lots of stuff on whims that eventually get put in garage sales brand new. This ends up going two ways: either they overprice their stuff and you move on, or they have tons of great stuff they are willing to almost give away just to make room for new stuff.
The older neighborhoods we trolled today had sales, yes, but the pickings were slim.
The first place we stopped at had nothing priced (see last week's list of things NOT to do) and the older gentleman who was working the sale wanted to tell people how much his items would go for on ebay as a price guide. Newsflash: if that's the prices you want to get, pay the listing fees and get on with it.
The "five family" sale put me in the mind of The Godfather, although I was thinking of going to the mattresses when we saw what this sale consisted of. There are vintage things that have a cool factor and then there are things that are just lamely old. Everything here fell into the latter category and, if that was five families' junk, these families were five single old ladies. Looking for sewing patterns from the late 70s? They've got you covered.
The rundown:
Jill made off with two office trays for .25 cents and a Sam's size stack of Hefty Styrofoam to-go boxes for the office. Marlene got herself a couple of scarves at one of the last places we stopped, mostly out of desperation to have not wasted the hour. Vicki got a .10 cent VW bug toy and a Chipmunks CD (God help her) for Ollie, and some nice older mixing bowls.
I found the eggplant container early on and a couple of the blue flower Corningware bowls (getting harder to find, keep your eyes out if you use them), but the biggest news of the day was the doggie bed for $1.
We keep saying Evan should have a bed. He sleeps in the same spot right next to me without fail, whereas Katy moves around. But I didn't want to spend $30 bucks only to find out it wasn't his cup of tea. And out of the blue, here's a Petco doggie bed just his size with removable cover (currently in the dryer). So we'll see if my $1 investment pays off tonight.
All in all, not a lot to write home about, but today did give me evil idea that I should take my camera with me and start photographing the craziest and most overpriced stuff we find. Think I can get us kicked out of a garage sale this summer? Stay tuned.
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