Saturday, October 15, 2011

Listography: Top Five Keyword Searches (All Time)

Search Keywords
70's design
70s design
retro christmas
stevie ray vaughan live at the el mocambo
mort rainey
snoopy typewriter
i'm just a big toasty cinnamon bun homer
secret window robe

Kate Takes 5 Listography this week turned me on to something I hadn't peeked in on before, now that Blogger has its new layout in place behind the scenes where you can track what's being read on your blog and how people are getting there.

1. Stent
My top 5 all-time search words in my teeny little blog with 14 followers must completely confuse people who've typed "stent" into Google these past months. I tried it. I'm at the bottom of page one of Google just using "stent" and I hop up to the second result (after the ads and images/video) when searching "stent delivery." Sorry folks, no heart help here. 

2. 70s Design (or 70's) I'm counting this as one entry.
It would appear that the field is almost evenly divided between those who use an apostrophe in decades and those who don't, with the apostrophizers edging out the anti-' by 3 votes. Interestingly, searching with the apostrophe doesn't find me on the first page, but without does. 

And I don't know how anyone is finding this page -- isn't coming up at all through Google (okay, I stopped after five pages...). I'm thinking it must be the torrent tracker site that's started spiking traffic leads (another handy blogger stat). My penchant for 60s and 70s design is making me think about a blog devoted to it. Maybe 14 more people would read it, too.

Sorry music fans, I just love the album.  You will find absolutely nothing helpful here.

And, omitting the name of my blog per Kate's instructions, coming in just a couple of spots behind Mort is "Secret Window Robe." Put them together and this would be third on the list of searched topics. Secret Window = Steven King + Johnny Depp + John Turturro = awesomeness. Okay, so it's not anyone's best work, but it's still awesomeness. I digress . . .

Snoopy Typewriter in the top ten made me smile. I'm just a big toasty cinnamon bun homer made me laugh. I am Pop Culture. Hear me roar. 

All 14 of you.... 


  1. That is the best search term I have ever heard! I think you should rename your blog in it's honour..Too funny :)
