Monday, April 18, 2011

4-18-11 My Care Package

My friend Jennifer send me a care package that arrived today. Ouachita Valley Honey Almond Oat soaps, lip balm, and Healing Cream. Jennifer makes these herself. I loved everything, even the beautiful lining inside the envelope card. Jenni is my blog partner -- I love finding new postings from her and she always has something encouraging to say about mine. We met when her little girl Taylor and my little boy Nicholas were babies and we were struggling young moms who didn't have two pennies to rub together. And now our babies are graduating high school and leaving for college in about a month. I love that Facebook enabled us to reconnect after a number of years where we'd only just managed Christmas card exchanges. Facebook has plenty of issues, to be sure, but, I think, it's still one of the most efficient ways of reconnecting with people who might just make your life more joyous by being a little bit "closer" at least in cyberspace.

Thank you Jenni! Note there are only two bars of soap when I took the picture. I offered one to Nell who immediately removed one to her room :) Even though my olfactory senses are muted, I can still hold them close and get a whiff of their wonderfulness!


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